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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Build a Enviroment that Will Empower Leaders

Many people more then others and I give credit to really desire to lead,they really want to be leaders. As a leader I had to ask myself was I allowing them the opportunity to lead. I ask myself was I making it easier or harder. I begin to think should I just not talk about leadership and live leadership in my example of my life but actually create the environment that really wholes up the other leaders around me. I recall hearing that"leadership was nothing but the way one could lead one into a situation that they were not plan on being in" this has been my answer when asked what is leadership. The ability to lead someone  unto a place that they were was not planning themselves going. If they do this after meeting you then you can be the leader. It works both ways if they change your course of action then you have just been lead. Which I know myself that leaders can get lead. Here are a few  ways to empower your already leaders around you to assist you with your leadership.

1. Give them high value
2.Maintain and always keep resources to develop people
3. Place a high value on leadership
4.Always be on the look out for leaders.

Thanks for reading today.

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